March Production Sale

Thursday, March 7, 2024

1:00 pm CST at the Ranch near Leola, SD or online with DVAuction

300 Red Angus Yearling Bulls

Lot Videos

Videos of every lot in the sale are now available. Click on the link below to view.

Bid Online

To bid online, please utilize You will need to register to bid atleast one day prior to the start of the sale.

Click on the link below to visit the sale page on

Supplement Documents

Click on the links below to view a sortable spreadsheet of the sale bulls (including ultrasound data and disposition score) and the sale day supplement sheet (including actual scrotals).

Scratch Lots

The lots listed below have been scratched from the sale:

3, 46, 58, 61, 84, 85, 125, 127, 147, 181, 195, 196, 220, 230, 255, 258, 287


Catalog now available! Click on the cover below to download a digital copy.

Catalog Correction

Lot 170 – Bieber Stockmarket L163 is black.

Performance Based Yearling Bulls

It is our belief that the bulls in this offering can help improve your bottom line. We have focused on producing bulls that will help the industry in all areas of beef cattle production – from calving ease to growth and end product merit.

Lot Talks

Lot talks are back! Join us as we go through our top lots for our upcoming performance yearling bull sale on Thursday, March 7.

Why should you buy from Bieber’s?

“There’s a lot of value in buying an animal here that’s not just the animal.”

Registered cattle in a commercially oriented system

We push them and make sure that they’re going to work for us, and in turn they can work for the customer.”

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